Permanent: Permanent membership is for anyone who wants to make Unity their church home indefinitely.
Watch Care (temporary): Watch Care membership provides an opportunity for you to have a church home away from home without having to cancel their original church membership. This type of membership is ideal for anyone knowing they will be in State College for a period of time. (ie. student, temporary job placement etc.)
To become a member of Unity, contact the office and we will help you get connected and registered for the next New Members class, a one-time two hour class.
The first step in deciding if you should become a member of our church is feeling that the Lord is leading you to become a part of our church family. Once you take that step to obey His voice you will find that there is power in truly becoming a part of a community of believers who are committed to advancing the Kingdom, serving others together and being a blessing to one another. It is one of the most amazing ways to walk out God's principles of unity and purpose beyond ourselves.
New Members Class is an integral part of becoming an active member of UCJC. The objective of the New Members Class is to provide prospective church members with information to understand the history, doctrine and vision of Unity Church of Jesus Christ; encourage Christian living; encourage church membership and involvement.
Any person (age 18 and older) interested in becoming an active member of Unity is required to attend the New Members class. The class is usually held the fourth Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon. You can check the monthly calendar at / for scheduled meeting days, place and times. You are welcome to contact for detailed information and to answer your questions about New Members Class.
Foundations Class is a strongly recommended sequel to the New Members Class. The Foundations Class is an eight-week program that explores Biblical teachings on how to live a productive daily Christian life. Topics like salvation, water baptism, Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit baptism, Gifts of the Spirit and more are included.
A group of seasoned teachers, including Pastor McKenzie, Assistant Pastor Vernon Davis and Linda Wade help comprise the teaching staff. An open, discussion-style class gives opportunity for its participants to apply the information given to their own lives as well as learn from each other. The purpose of offering this valuable program is to encourage Spiritual understanding and growth in the Unity family. Classes are usually held each Sunday morning 9-10:30 am. Check the Unity calendar at / for when the next series begins. You are welcome to contact for detailed information.